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Tylar (The Mating Games Book 6) Page 4

  “Tera is waiting for you.”

  Careena took a deep breath before Tylar dragged her forward. The moment of truth had arrived and she prayed the news was something she could handle.

  Chapter 3

  Live or Die

  Tera looked like any professional doctor he’d ever seen on Earth or in the movies from there that he sometimes watched. She looked cool and professional, ready to do what needed to be done to help her patient survive and Tylar hoped and prayed it would be enough. Having just found his mate, he wasn’t ready to lose her. He sat in a nearby chair, worry etched on his face as his female sat on the end of the examination table.

  Tera brought out wand, activated it and slowly scanned Careena. The doctor’s brow wrinkled which alarmed him. “Lie back, Honey. I need to get a closer look.” Tera ordered. Careena fell back then scooted so she was lying flat on her back. “That’s perfect.”

  She now scanned Careena slowly and held the wand closer to her. Tera shook her head slightly. “There’s good and bad news. You don’t have cancer and it appears that you never did. He opened you up but never removed anything before closing you back. You are suffering from gallbladder disease.”

  Careena looked confused. “But that’s easily treated. Isn’t it just a shot?”

  “Yes.” Tera smiled encouragingly. “It’s just a shot in most cases. We check on you to be sure it’s dealt with properly. If the shot doesn’t adjust your gallbladder to make it healthy again, it might have to be removed. By leaving it untreated he allowed it to get to a bad place. I’m giving you the shot but you have to come back tomorrow so we can see if it’s working. A ruptured gall bladder can still be fatal so we have to keep a close eye on things.”

  “Why would he do this?” Tylar asked confused.

  “He’s a lousy doctor and the men in charge don’t care because he only works on females.” Tera explained.

  “What can we do about it?” Tylar demanded.

  “You can sue him and report him to the medical board. I don’t think he’s been reported before because his patients usually die.”

  “That’s terrible.”

  “It’s the way it is, Tylar.” Careena added. “Females on Earth have little value.”

  “That’s not the way things are here. Our females are worth everything. This will not be allowed to go unanswered for.” Tylar was angry. Regardless of the ratio of females to males he couldn’t understand how someone’s life could be so undervalued. He was also relieved that Careena had a chance to live. Tera administered the shot then they left. He planned to keep a watchful eye on his mate.

  Tylar took her to his mom because he knew no one else who could help ease his mate’s anxiousness. His mom was the strongest and best female he knew. He’d been blesses with two wonderful parents and it was his hope that he’d be such a parent to Careena’s twin sons and any children they might have in the future. They were mated which made her his and that extended to her children. Surprisingly he felt ready for the responsibility of a ready-made family. The twins might be a challenge but he liked them and he was up to being whatever they needed.

  Getting her to his mother was easy, the road ahead of them would be hard. For now, until he knew how she was responding to her treatment, Tylar intended to stay with her. Once they had eaten the delicious supper his mom cooked, he loaded Careena and the boys up and they went to her house. It would be their home for now. They settled in easily with him spending a lot of time with the boys, family dropping off food and visiting, and him coaxing her to rest so she would heal. It appeared to be working but only time and the doctor could tell them.

  His com buzzed and at first he ignored it thinking it a well-meaning friend or family member wishing to check in on them. The third time his com buzzed again, he answered it. “I am sorry to bother you but I knew you would want to know.”

  “Havlar? What’s going on?”

  “Your goods came in on a supply ship but you will not be getting them.”

  “Why not?” Tylar asked even as a sense of dread rolled over his skin.

  “There was a bomb that went off.”

  “Any injured or killed?”

  “None of ours but the ship sustained major damage. About half the crew perished before we were able to get to them. We did all we could. When we investigated, we found the bomb was hidden in the baby items. They are now targeting our families.”

  Tylar was furious. How could these men attack females and babies? Clearly there was no honor in them at all. “Does Razar know?”

  “Yes, I had to call him first.” Havlar answered apologetically.

  “You did right. He needed to know to act on it immediately.”

  “Your brother was angry. I don’t blame him because I have no mate or child and I am angry.”

  “As any Mazlan would be.”

  “How goes things with your new mate and children?”

  “We are taking things one day at a time. I think she is improving slowly but I can’t be certain. Before I let you go, enact a code red on any incoming loads. Use the new scanning equipment just to get a feel for things. It’s not been fully tested, but it might find something.”

  “I will take care of it.”


  “Yes, Tylar?”

  “You did good. I’m sorry you had to handle that.”

  “It showed me what I can do when I need to.”

  They talked a few minutes more before they hung up. Tylar still felt incensed that they would dare to target their families. Waiting a few minutes to cool off and get control of his temper, he then called his brother Razar who would be in charge of dealing with this matter.

  Razar answered on the first buzz of his com. “Razar.”

  “Can you tell me what’s happening?”

  “Let me add you to the conference call currently taking place. Several of the guys are here and the rest are on their coms. I thought you had enough on your plate these days but it seems you have a large appetite for trouble.” Razar observed with a chuckle.

  “This is too important to be left out of, Brother.”

  “Even Earth feels this has gone too far. It seems the captain was an Earth male which makes this a heinous act even in their eyes. They are starting an investigation on their end since that was the port of origin. I don’t expect them to find anything. Some of their people must be involved at high levels and it will be covered up. They have requested a representative of Oison come and work with one of their people. Cravr covers law enforcement so he will be perfect for this task. He will be going if there are no objections. It is agreeable then and you can go home to prepare. Be careful and may the gods ease your path.”

  Cravr got up and left. His task was not enviable but at least he was male and would receive some respect from the Earth humans. Tylar had a feeling they would try to find a female to hang out to dry. Cravr would have to be alert and watchful lest they try to pull the wool over his eyes. A smile ghosted over Tylar’s lips as he thought about how little Earth sayings continued to pepper his speech and that of his brothers. Their family was richer for having the new females to love and to cherish. None of them claimed Narcissi before, but now with him mated to Careena, that would have to change. He was sure his mate would demand to know what had become of her daughter.

  It was something he needed to discover before she asked. He knew she had been claimed by a group of males and Razar knew one of them. Was he selfish to hope they had tamed her wicked ways? They needed none of her selfishness while they attempted to heal Careena. The twins had behaved admirably but he suspected Narcissi would bring drama into their lives that would compare to the sabotage they were still dealing with. It was a shame she had come to Oison. Dealing with her when she was on Earth hadn’t been so bad. In person would be a different matter.

  His com buzzed so he answered. “Tylar.”

  “It’s Razar. One of the ship’s crew that was involved has admitted what they did. I thought you might want to help ques
tion her.”

  “I’ll be right there.” Tylar knew where their detainment area was so he let Careena know he had to leave for a little while. She was understanding even though he didn’t tell her why only that he was needed for a little while at work. It was his decision because he didn’t feel that the worry over the current situation would be good for her with her illness.

  When he finally got to the detainment area, Razar was waiting for him. “How’s mated life?”

  “I can’t believe how strong my feelings are for her. You were right when you said it was so intense it defied description. It makes me wonder how I could go on without her if the gods willed it.”

  Razar looked alarmed. “I thought she was improving?”

  “I’m sorry, it wasn’t my intent to alarm you. She seems to be doing better but until the doctor confirms it, I’ll worry.”

  “Maybe getting some information out of this female will help you feel more useful.” Razar said and Tylar wondered how he knew he’d been feeling helpless as he sat and waited for the doctor appointment in a week. His brother led Tylar in to an interrogation room.

  Looking at the female they were to question immediately elicited his sympathy. She was clearly torn up over what her actions had brought about. “This is Juanita. She was the one who smuggled the bomb onboard. Juanita, can you tell us why you did it?” Razar asked as Tylar and he sat across from the grief stricken female.

  “Yes, they threatened my sister. She was only thirteen and in our cabin alone. I had just left to get us something to eat. Kathy was all I had in the world.”

  “Why are you telling us this now?” Tylar asked.

  “Because my sister died in the blast. I no longer care what they intend to do.”

  “That’s very brave of you but perhaps for now it would be better if they thought you died. We will help you get justice, Juanita. It’s possible that they never intended the bomb to go to the planet. They may have targeted you from the start.” Razar said.

  “I thought that as soon as she mentioned leaving her sister in the cabin.”

  “What do you mean? They planned to kill me and my sister to send you a message?”

  “Yes, but whoever made the bomb used too much explosive and didn’t know you had left the cabin. It may have been partly because he had to put the bomb in the merchandise to send the proper message. Maybe he measured the distance along hallways instead of straight through the walls. The bomber did a poor job and if he survived, his employers will probably kill him.”

  “You keep saying him. Do you know who it is?” Juanita questioned.

  “No, and you are correct if you think it could be a female. There are more females than males on the ship so it is even likely. Over half the people on board perished or were severely damaged so it is even possible the bomber died.” Tylar explained.

  “So much death and suffering, how could they do this?” Juanita asked.

  “It was a bomb. What did you think would happen?” Razar asked curiously.

  “They said it wasn’t a real bomb. It was just supposed to send a message to let you know they could get to you. I figured you needed to know that anyway.” Juanita mentioned.

  “We’ll need you to stay here but away from your fellow crewpersons. Tylar will assign you a house and a job. All our people work, things are smoother that way. You should also meet Tylar’s mate. She will be a good person to talk to and help you adjust to your new life. I believe the change will be good for you. Just don’t forget that you need to stay strong to give your sister justice.”

  Tylar listened closely to what Razar said figuring out his reasoning. Juanita needed a purpose to go on living for and justice for her sister would be that purpose. She also needed someone to talk to that would be Careena. His mate was kind and loving so that would give her something to take her mind off her own troubles. Giving her a place to live was necessary, a job would give her something else to focus on and contribute to their growing community. Razar was showing the wisdom a leader needed and Tylar was proud of his big brother.

  Tylar led Juanita to his hover car taking her to see Careena first. Careena came to the door just as he entered throwing herself into his arms. He hugged and kissed her before turning them, he kept his arm around her, toward Juanita. “This is Careena my mate. Careena, this is Juanita. Her ship had an accident and half the crew died including her little sister.”

  “Oh dear Lord! You poor thing. Let me make us some tea or coffee. What do you prefer?”

  “I’ll just take some water of that is alright?”

  “Of course.” Careena said as she ran off.

  “Why don’t you sit on the couch? Careena won’t be long and I’ll call around to check on a house for you and a possible job. Anything you enjoy doing?” He wanted to put her in the proper place.

  “I loved traveling the galaxy. My job was security, that was why they targeted me.”

  Tylar thought it unfortunate that she would not only be landlocked indefinitely, no matter how bad he felt for her there was no way she would be allowed to work for security until she had earned their trust completely. That might never happen. “Ever do any gardening?” He had heard it could be very soothing. Careena wanted a garden or fruits and vegetables. It seemed she was a wonderful cook. Maybe they could work at it together.

  “No, but I’m willing to learn.”

  “Excellent. Careena wants a garden and the two of you can plant it.”

  “I’m not sure it’s that easy but we can give it a go.”

  Careena came back so Tylar excused himself to do some work in his home office. That would give the females the time to get acquainted or so he thought. He’d assigned Juanita housing and felt good to find a house not too far away before he’d read a report from one of his people that had arrived at the ship first. They had immediately begun helping people off the ship and transporting them to a safer place. This Mazlan male had entered the ship near the storage area to find a female expiring. Severely wounded, she had no hope. The female directed him to a nearby cabin that had to be reached through a hall where she said two females were. Against all odds, he found a severely burned and damaged girl still clinging to life despite the enormous pain she had to be in.

  He transported her out carrying her face down because of the terrible burns on her back. The doctor said it would be touch and go. Tylar sat for a moment trying to think of something. His com went off and it was Razar.

  “We have found Juanita’s sister alive. Get her here quickly since we are unsure of whether she will make it or not.”

  “We’ll be right there.”

  Tylar wasted no time. Hurrying to the living room he explained to the females what had happened. It was no surprise that Careena insisted on accompanying them. The twins had a sitter during the day so he just told the young female where they would be. Once that was done, they were gone. As he pulled into the lot at the medical building, he worried about what this would do to Juanita if she lost her sister twice. Once he got out of the vehicle he moved around to the other side to help his mate and Juanita out but Juanita had already jumped out running to the building.

  Helping Careena out, he then went after Juanita who stood at the door trying to open it. Security was tight and she couldn’t get past the locked doors. Even if she did a guard stationed inside would have stopped her.

  “You need to calm down or you will upset your sister who is in a lot of pain.” He explained.

  She drew in a deep breath as she tried to dry the tears off her face. It was impossible to remain emotionally distant at the tragic figure she made. Juanita was a mess, emotionally and mentally but he would help however he could. “I’m sorry. I just need to see her, tell her I love her, and pray she’s alright.”

  Tylar would feel the same way in her shoes. He nodded at the guard who opened the door so he could lead a reserved Juanita inside with his mate trailing behind. Tera stood at a window watching a patient. It was clear she’d shed more than a tear herself.
  “Are you her sister?” Tera asked.


  “She’s a fighter. I’ve given her pain meds so she shouldn’t be feeling any pain. The treatment methods I have available here are amazing. Your sister may make it. I’ve removed the damaged skin and replaced it with a special skin grown in a lab. It should fuse to her body like it was her own. She has nerve damage but we have a stimulator that might fix a large amount of it. Finally her lungs were damaged. They have some amazing meds that will help repair most of that too. If she makes it through the night, I think she make it.”

  Tylar noticed the situation was so emotionally charged that Tera, who was normally professionally distant and calm, was babbling. Maybe that was a measure of the seriousness of the injuries and the height of her hope that these medical miracles that amazed her when she was shown them by Mazlans trained in first aid, would do all she thought they would. He hoped it was true too.

  “I have to stay here with her.” Juanita insisted.

  “She really won’t know you’re here.” Tera gently observed.

  “She’ll hear me if you turn on the sound so I can talk to her.”

  Tera looked at Tylar for confirmation. “Let her do as she wishes but please have someone check on her at meal times and see she has a place to rest when she gets tired. If it were someone I loved, I would want to be there for them too.”

  Tera nodded and Careena hugged Juanita and whispered something low in her ear that made Juanita hug her and tears stream down her cheeks once again. Tylar hadn’t paid attention but he knew his mate so it must have been something kind and supportive. He gripped her arm to silently add his support and she nodded.

  Tera would see to her while he took his mate home to rest. It was obvious this emotionally charged situation had tired her out completely. He led her to the hover car where he rushed her home putting her to bed to sleep right away. The young female who babysat had put in her day so he sent her home. While Careena slept, he took the boys to the home that was being put together for them so they could help him clear the large area the new garden their mother wanted would go. Three hours later they were worn out and covered with dirt. They had played as much as they had worked, but he was happy with what they had accomplished.