Tylar (The Mating Games Book 6) Read online

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  He undressed his beautiful body visible to her only for a second before he slipped under the blanket to wrap himself around her. Thoughts of sex slipped away as comfort and warmth filled her relaxing her. Maybe later she would seduce him. For the first time since she had gotten ill her mind was calm and sleep was easy.

  Waking was another matter entirely and if her stomach hadn’t protested loudly its need for food, she would have probably slept on. “I think I should have fed you before we slept.” Tylar noted amusement in his tone.

  Careena blushed like a schoolgirl. “I guess I’m a little hungry.”

  “Me too. You just stay where you are and see if you can rest a little more while I fix us something to eat.” Tylar hurried out of the room so fast her protests died on her lips.

  It felt good to have someone look out for her but she was used to looking out for herself and others. Not Lista, no Lista was born independent as hell learning to do for herself at a young age. Narcissi was different always needing her but at some point it had become more than that. Cissi had become selfish and drained the joy from all those around her. Something had happened to her, but since she had decided not to share, Careena couldn’t help her the way she wanted to. That left the twins who were young and would need her for a long time provided she was alive and in good enough health to do so.

  Careena smelled the food before Tylar came into the room. Everything was on a huge tray. There were several plates and two mugs of coffee. “Um, that’s not the local coffee is it? It’s a tad strong for me.”

  Tylar chuckled. The sound was rich and deep making her spirits lift. “No, Sweetheart. Lista has let us know few Earth females like our version of coffee. Even our mother has joined in the love of earth coffee.” Setting the tray on the table after handing me my coffee first, he’d fixed the coffee as Lista liked it. While Careena liked a little more cream in hers, she drank it gratefully.

  Never in her life had she had a male cook for her and wait in her. There was no denying that she liked it. A few wicked thoughts on other things he could do for her swirled around in her brain making her feel wanton. What did she have to lose when she might not be alive much longer. Even now with a momentary reprieve from the pain and tiredness she could see her time running out. Never had she wanted to live more and felt less hopeful that she would. Tera knowing the doctor that had done her operation had a bad reputation had really been a hard hit to any hope she tried to feel.

  Now the feeling she found growing was the one that told her to take whatever pleasure she could find to feel alive for whatever time she had left. Was that selfish? Maybe but she had never been that way before so maybe she was entitled to a little bit of enjoyment and putting herself first now. He’d made her what looked like a typical breakfast at home. Lista had clearly made her mark here and it was visible everywhere from the food and drink, the conveniences, the little Earth words and phrases, to the baby items. Little touches of the home they’d left behind could be found here if she looked.

  She ate her bacon, eggs, and even some of the pancakes before she set her plate to the side and considered the male sitting on the bed next to her finishing off the food on his own plate. He seemed unaware of her scrutiny. Tylar was tall and lean, but with bulging muscles that signaled his strength. His full lips and whiskey colored eyes gave his face personality. His short dark brown hair looked silky making her want to touch it. Should she?

  Her hand reached up to stroke his hair but he turned toward her and she poked him in the eye making him jump dropping his plate. “Oh my God, Tylar! I’m so sorry.” Careena was red with embarrassment.

  “It’s alright Careena.” He picked up the plate setting it on the table. Tylar sat back down next to her but now he was turned her way. A look of confusion was on his face as if he was trying to figure out what Careena had been doing that caused her to poke his still red eye.

  “I just wanted to see is your hair was as silky as it looked.” Careena said cheeks red with embarrassment.

  Tylar reached out to take her hand and place it on his lowered head. She stroked his hair which felt every bit as silky as it looked. Maybe they could move passed her first clumsy attempt to touch him. Slowly Tylar moved closer until their lips were almost touching. He brushed his lips against hers then came back and his mouth claimed hers. Heat flooded her as his tongue explored her mouth finding every secret nook and cranny. Her tongue stroked his, damn the male knew how to kiss. His hands stroked her back, soothing her while her desire continued to spiral.

  Careena knew in that moment that she wanted Tylar. It was a desire she normally wouldn’t allow herself, but tonight she was going to take what she wanted. Her hands stroked his naked back since he was only wearing a pair of shorts. He rolled them over so she was on her back with him on top. His weight was held off her by his forearms but she could feel his heat and the prodding between her legs of his hard throbbing member. She’d never wanted anyone or anything more than she wanted this male right now. Right or wrong, this was going to happen.

  Her hands skimmed down his back to his shorts as she slid them lower and her fingers felt the smooth skin of his ass. His cheeks flexed in reaction to her touch. It made her want to squeeze them so she did. “Ah, Careena.” Tylar moaned. Somehow he slid out of his shorts and his rigid cock slapped her between her legs.

  He grinned at her. “Sorry about that.”

  “That’s alright.” She giggled like a young girl. Her worries were far away while he was here, close at hand. Careena felt wild and alive for the first time in years. A flame was lit that only Tylar could fuel or appease. Her body ached with want and she could feel the answering need in him.

  “This will be fast and hard the first time, Careena.” They gasped and groaned together as he speared her with his rock hard cock. It burned as her sheath stretched to accommodate his big staff. He slid in easily, her channel slick with her honey.

  Tylar settled into position holding still to allow her to adjust before he began to move his hips. Slowly at first, then progressively faster, he pumped into her. Her channel squeezed on him, massaging him until he groaned out loud. “So tight, so sweet my Careena.”

  Now he pounded into her making her come alive from the inside out. Never had she been so full or felt such pleasure. Tension built inside her as she headed toward her release. It hit unexpectedly in a huge wave rolling over her. She screamed his name as she came apart dragging him into the same blissful feeling. He roared her name as his hot essence filled her then overflowed sliding back down her thighs. Her heart beat out of control, her breath came in heaving pants, yet she had never felt more energized in her entire life. Rather than want to rest, she wanted more.

  Tylar rolled them over draping her across his hard muscled chest. His body was hot, his smooth and comfortable to rest on. Her fingers teased his skin and she lightly pinched his nipple. There would be no rest for the wicked, not right now anyway. His groan showed he felt torn.

  “I’m supposed to take care of you. You should be resting not being ravaged by a lusty Mazlan.” Apparently he thought his description funny because he chuckled.

  “Maybe this is my last request.”

  “No, Careena! I refuse to allow you to give up. You have your family to live for and you have me. I just found you and I will claim you. If you wish to continue, you should be warned that I will bite you. That will make you mine and me yours forever. There is no going back after that.”

  “Is that supposed to scare me? You are the best thing that has happened to me since I had my children. Earth males are terrible lovers. I always just lay there with my eyes closed wishing it was over. Even with Henry, the twin’s dad who I believe cared for me, it was not a pleasure but a duty. What you have just given me is a beautiful gift that I will cherish regardless of what the morning brings. Do your worst, Tylar. I will accept your bite and give you one back.” Tears came to her eyes at the truth of her words. Life on Earth was hard for most women. It saddened her that she had finall
y escaped the misery just in time to face death. The irony didn’t escape her.

  Tylar growled, it was an animalistic sound but rather than scare her it thrilled her. Maybe she was losing her mind since she’d left Earth. This male was all she could think about and it was worse now that she’d sampled what he could give her.

  “Ride me!” He demanded. Careena had never done that before so at first she was awkward as she positioned herself raising high above his erection so she could descend on it. He was thick as well as long so she moved the head to her entrance sliding down slowly even though their combined juices helped him slide inside her.

  “Mm, you’re so big.” She observed once he was all inside her. It felt even fuller than when he’d entered her. Cautiously she moved around testing what felt the best. Once she relaxed it eased things and she started to rock back and forth.

  “Oh gods that’s amazing!”

  Her orgasm was rushing at her but she continued to move. She shivered with delight as she ground her clit against the base of his cock. Had she known sex could be this magical she’d probably have a dozen kids or more. It occurred to her that Tylar was what was making it so beautiful. As she started to explode around him, he pulled her down to his mouth striking into her neck where it met the shoulder with his shifted teeth. To Careena it was a perfect bite, so fast she had no time to feel the pain before his mating venom made her feel good. Pleasure rolled through her from the sex, the bite, and also from the venom which she had read had a drugging effect.

  She looked down in awe as a tattoo appeared on Tylars shoulder and chest. It was the loveliest shade of mauve she had ever seen. Purple was her second favorite color after pink. Yes, she had been a girly girl when she was young. That had been something hardship had forced her to outgrow. The tattoo was lovely with what looked like a wolf and tribal markings she was unfamiliar with.

  “You have one too.” Tylar pointed to it.

  Hers was the same as his except smaller and more delicately done. Careena had never even considered getting a tattoo or piercings either for that matter. It made her feel like a bad girl. The feeling wasn’t what she had expected it to be. Maybe she was rebelling against life because now she felt like getting a piercing after she got drunk. Breaking free from her inhibitions this late in the game didn’t seem like it would amount to much but she was ready to spit the in the devil’s eye if he came for her.

  Why she was being so morbid with a handsome hunk lying under her she couldn’t say. It was time to shake loose from the grieving for what might have been, enjoy what was at her fingertips right now, and fight like hell to hold on to life if there was any chance at all. She let her fingers do the walking to one of Tylars’ nipples pinching it until it was hard and pebbled. His moan was satisfying and she felt his cock regain its glory of moments ago. In an athletic feat that amazed her, Tylar tossed her onto the bed face first and managed to get behind her.

  He helped her onto her hands and knees holding her into his desired position. Her legs were spread with him between them on his knees. His cock poked at her opening so he gripped it and guided it in. This new position felt different and he found places that responded to his coaxing. The fingers of one of his hands found her clit where they played it with perfect precision. Her blood was on fire with need that only became more intense. When he bit her shoulder lightly but unexpectedly, she lost it and her release exploded in her.

  Her channel clenched squeezing him like a vise. His seed literally was pulled out of him. They were both slicked from sweat, a sign of their exertions. Careena couldn’t deny she was tired as she collapsed on the bed but although she fought it, sleep prevailed. She felt Tylar pulling her into his arms so she snuggled in closer. He pulled a sheet over both of them and that was the last thing she really remembered.

  “Careena.” A voice said. “Careena.” It said louder. The voice was familiar and the urgency undeniable.

  “Hmm?” She tried to open her eyes but they seemed fused together. There was no desire to get up and face the day. Better to linger here enjoying the pleasures she had just discovered. It was a more pleasant way to spend her last day.

  “Careena you get up right now. I won’t let you lay there and give up.”

  Give up? Who was giving up? Couldn’t a girl enjoy herself for a while? Besides, she was so tired. “Go away.” No wait, she didn’t want him to leave.

  “No, I won’t leave without you.”

  “So sweet.” She huffed but she still couldn’t open her eyes. “Too heavy.”

  “I understand.” Tylar said just before he lifted her carrying her to another room and lowered her into a tub of water. The water was lukewarm but the change of environment seemed to wake her mind up. She splashed some water on her face and those stubborn eyes opened.

  Tylar was right in front of her naked and gorgeous. Careena reached out her hands. “No, not this morning Sweetheart. We clean up, eat, then go see the doctor.”

  “A little fun might help me wake up quicker.” She coaxed with a smile. It was easy to see he wanted that too.

  “Gods, Mate, I can’t fight both of us.”

  “Why fight?” With a low growl he got in the bath with her. He sat across from her pulling her over onto his lap face first. The kiss he gave her scorched her to her very soul. His hands slid between them guiding his cock into her opening then he pushed up and seated himself fully.

  Careena felt both powerful and satisfied. This male cared about her and wanted her enough to do things for her. Bigger and stronger than any Earth male she’d ever seen, he was strong enough to give in to make her happy. If fate was on her side, maybe it would give her some time with him. She had heard Mazlan medicine was superior to that on Earth. For Tylar’s sake, she would hope, she would fight, and for now she would love him with all that she had.

  “You’re so warm and wet.”

  “You’re so long and thick. I’m as full as I could be.”

  Tylar moved faster causing the water to splash everywhere but he didn’t seem to care. He hammered into her making her feel so good. She rocked against him adding to the tension that was about to explode. Tylar made an odd noise animalistic in nature. For some reason it set off her release. She found everything about the male, her mate, exciting. As she exploded around him, he came along for the ride howling his pleasure as it rolled over him. Right this moment, life was good.

  They stayed in the bath calming down before Tylar helped her clean up. His touch was tender but efficient. It felt nice but wasn’t intended to turn her on. Somehow it managed to anyway. Anytime he touched her was a thrill. He helped her out and gave her a towel while he went back into the bath cleaning himself swiftly. She watched admiring the silky skin, hard muscles, and the way his cock bounced around as he washed himself. In no time he was standing at her side drying himself off.

  “I don’t have anything for you to wear.” She observed.

  “That’s okay. I always have something in the car.”

  She went to her room to dress and when she came out he wore black jeans that were well worn and a T-shirt. He even wore sneakers making him look human if you overlooked his size. Careena wore a sweat suit since she had gone to many doctor visits and comfort was the most important thing. Tylar looked at her with as much desire as before. Her plain clothes didn’t seem to bother him.

  “Should I carry you?” He asked with concern.

  “It’s not that bad yet.”

  “Tera will make sure it doesn’t get that bad. She has many high tech things at her disposal Earth doesn’t.”

  “I hope your right.” She said with a half-smile. Hope was good but only if it had a basis in fact. Until they knew what was wrong, they wouldn’t know if it was curable.

  “I am right.” Tylar growled in a rough unnatural sounding voice. “I’m sorry.” He said as his eyes glowed with an unusual light. “I have to tell you about my inner demon.”

  “Oh thank goodness.”

  “You’re not surprised?”
  “I thought I saw you turn into a large dangerous looking creature when you went looking for the boys. All this time I thought I was going crazy. Dizziness struck me so I went back in the house to sit down thinking I would be no good in helping you find them since I’d lost my touch on reality. Now I’m just relieved that I wasn’t losing my mind.”

  “I guess we’d better go now. We can discuss this more later.”

  They went outside and got in his hover car. Careena loved these cars which were rare on Earth. Only the richest had them. You had to be wealthier than most to have any form of personal transportation at all. Nearly a thousand years ago the pollution had been so bad that they had put a tax on personal transportation. Many people had been forced to give up their cars and use public transportation. Others had moved closer to their work and walked wherever they needed to go. That’s what she and her girls had done. Her boys would have a much better life here than they had on Earth. The hover cars used solar cells. Electricity backed it up but most of their energy sources were green.

  Mazlans harnessed the energy of the planet and the sun to provide all of their energy needs. They harvested and stored energy continually so if they had an emergency plenty of energy would be available. They also recycled just about everything. In a hundred years there would be almost no pollution of any kind. Careena pulled herself out of her thoughts when they arrived at the clinic. It was in what appeared to be a cave.

  “We use whatever resources the planet provides. This cave is solid enough to withstand almost anything that could occur even most bombs. The ill and injured are the most vulnerable among us so they need to be in the safest place possible.”

  She had to admit that made sense. They walked up the path and Tylar opened the large door. As soon as they entered the resemblance to a cave, even though it was one, disappeared. It didn’t look like a hospital either, but more like an expensive home. A receptionist sat at a large desk made of wood. When she looked up she smiled at Tylar.