Zebir (The Mating Games Book 10) Read online

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  “I want to get a team established so we can catch up and keep up with all the work Zebir has put on hold.” Nowel nodded.

  “That’s a good idea, but we’ve tried to find experienced and even untrained personnel without any luck.”

  “I know some very unhappy ladies in Earth we can poach.”

  “Poach, isn’t that like hunting?”

  “Yes, but in this case, it means luring them away from another company. We’ll start with Trainex. They are a transportation company. The lady that does a job similar to my old one is miserable with her pay, her bosses, and the lack of challenge in her job. She has two assistants that will probably come with her. We’ll send her an email to her private email and make a deal. There’s a good chance we’ll have to send a ship after them. It’s hard to get off earth without permission and permission is hard to get.”

  “How did you get off Earth?”

  Mimi smiled. “Jorgr stole me, my sisters, and our children.”

  Nowell got a mischievous smile in his face. “I know who you are now. You were almost caught several times.”

  “That’s true, but Jorgr was calm and flew like a champ. We got out just ahead of the real trouble.”

  “What an adventure that must have been.” Nowell said wistfully.

  “Maybe you can come with us when we pick up our new employees.”

  “You think I could? I love this job, but a little excitement from time to time would be nice. I thought I would travel, but all we do is teleconference.”

  “Why don’t we see what we can do? If we get some new employees, we’ll need help to answer all their questions.” Mimi hoped she wasn’t giving him false hope.

  “I’d love an adventure, even a small one.”

  With that said, the two of them worked through her list of potential employees setting up possible salaries and benefits. Once they were all done, it was time to send the emails. “I see something is on your mind.” Mimi mentioned.

  “Why did we set a range and offer them the lower figures? Why didn’t we just go for the top numbers and be done with it?” Nowell asked.

  “Some if these ladies negotiate large contracts for the companies they work for. It’s almost like a game. They’ll try to push and get more of everything. If they can’t, it will make them feel disappointed. This will also allow me to keep my skills sharpened. They’ll hit the high numbers, eventually. Believe me, it’s so much more than they are getting now, not to mention all you gorgeous guys. These ladies will think they are in heaven.”

  “Do you think me and my partner might have a chance to find a third?” Nowell questioned, his face red as fire.

  “I’m sure you will. Sometimes life forces us to be patient, but I’m sure some lucky girl will be thrilled to have two of you.”

  “Thank you, Mimi. I hope you’re right. Filbin and I want a complete family. We want a lovely female to take care of and eventually children.”

  “Hold on to your dreams. With all the single ladies we’re going to pick up, you’re bound to meet someone. Where does Filbin work?”

  “He’s in the military. My mate can’t discuss what he does, but if I get to go on the trip, maybe he will too. Filbin often is a guard on these trips.”

  Mimi could see the shy, sweet Nowell paired with an alpha protector. A female would have the best of both worlds. Mimi didn’t want to deal with two males, one was enough. There was one in particular who filled her thoughts and he was only a couple rooms away. The end of their day at work approached. It was time to send the emails and begin planning how they would transport all their new employees.

  “Sent!” Nowell declared as he smiled up at her.

  “Good, we should hear back in the next few days. Now it looks like it’s quitting time.”

  “I often stay later. My schedule is set to be the same as my male mate when he’s on Oison. We spend a lot of time apart since he travels often.”

  “Okay. What do you usually do when Zebir is already gone?”

  “I take calls, answer what emails I can, and sometimes I write up suggestions to deal with situations Zebir hasn’t gotten to yet.”

  “Really? Could I see a couple of those?” Mimi read a few. She pulled out one on top that dealt with a disagreement over water resources. “I thought Zebir handled treaties?”

  “He does, this directly effects a treaty with the moon. Water is limited and the Mazlans determine all natural resource use. In the area where indigenous people are, the treaty says that they have priority over the resources unless they give up that right. Since they haven’t, this company must negotiate with them, or forget about it. All they are trying to do is go around them.”

  “Write up this letter, use some milder words, and send it to them. You can’t call them assholes, it’s not politically correct even if they are acting like it. Just explain the treaty and say we can’t and won’t chance it.”

  “You know that Zebir has been stalling hoping they would go away.”

  “These kind never do. Just send it to them and if they reply, send that to me, not Zebir.”

  “I will do just as you ask. Maybe we will get some of this back log worked through. I hate leaving so much undone.”

  “That’s exactly what we will do. Once we get our team together, we will get on top of all of this.”

  “What are we getting on top of?” Zebir asked with amusement coloring his voice.

  “All the work around here that needs done.” Mimi answered.

  “That would be a relief.” Zebir admitted. “Keep busy, Nowell. Mimi and I are leaving now.”

  “I will be busy. Don’t do anything I wouldn’t do.” Nowell teased.

  “If I judge by what Filbin says, that leaves little off limits.” Zebir jested back. Nowell turned a rose shade. Zebir guided Mimi out of the office with his hand at her elbow.

  Once they were outside the building, he helped her into his hover car. After he got in he turned to her. “Is there any place you need to go?”

  “Just to get my girls and then home.” She almost melted under his steady regard until he turned his attention back to driving. It seemed only moments later, they were at the school. Maybe it was just moments since it wasn’t far. The girls must have been watching for them since they came running out. Zebir got out to assist both of them.

  “Hi Zebir.” Both girls yelled. Apparently they had more contact with him than Mimi had.

  The drive to her house was also accomplished quickly. Mimi was nervous, should she ask him in? What was the socially correct thing to do? “Would you like to come in for a drink?” She asked.

  “Thank you. That would be nice.”

  “I hope you don’t want crue.”

  “You don’t keep any on hand for local males? All our females seem to snub it now in favor of Earth coffee.”

  “I can get you sweet tea, juice, or water?”

  “Sweet tea sounds good.” Zebir said as they all moved into the house. A few minutes later, they had their tea and the girls were in their rooms entertaining themselves. “How did the first day go for you?”

  “It was better than I expected. The job will be challenging. Nowell will be a big help in organizing and outfitting the office. We already have a plan to get a team together. If we have to transport applicants ourselves, Nowell was hoping to go along. I believe he would be a big help.”

  “You do?” Zebir asked with a smile. “How important is it to you that he come along?”

  “I think it would be a wise idea.”

  “What would you do for me if I agree to this?”

  “What do you mean?”

  “Is this not a negotiation? I am trying to learn the art and apply it to my work.” Zebir moved to where he sat next to her. Mimi shivered as she felt the heat everywhere he came into contact with her.

  “What is it that you want?”

  “How about a kiss?”

  “Just one?”

  “For now.” He said as he moved to pull her into his arms an
d his lips brushed hers softly. Heat rolled through her and his spicy male scent filled her, she was in trouble and she knew it.

  His lips settled on hers but they were insisted now. His tongue pressed for entrance into her mouth and she gave in. Her tongue met his as they battled until the battle became a sensual dance. Mimi felt weak and dizzy with desire. Never before had she felt like this with any man.

  Chapter 4

  Chasing Love

  Zebir felt dizzy as he pressed his lips against hers and pursued his mate the only way he knew how. He’d taken a chance that she wouldn’t slap him or throw him out for taking advantage of her. It had been a surprise and a delight when she had kissed him back. His skin heated, his heart pounded, and he wanted more. In fact, he wanted everything, but he wasn’t sure she was ready. The honorable thing to do was to step back and let them both catch their breath.

  “Would you go out with me?” Zebir asked.

  “What do you mean? Like on a date or something?”

  “Yes, like a date.”

  “What could we possibly do? You don’t have many places to go.”

  “True, but for you, I will plan something special.”

  He could see that she was curious. “Alright, when do you want to go?”

  “What about tomorrow night?”

  “Okay, I’ll see if one of my sisters can keep the girls.”

  “No need. My parents will keep them.”

  “Don’t you need to call and ask?”

  “No, they are already babysitting several grandkids so I ask if a couple more would be a problem. I had hoped to get the opportunity to ask you out.”

  “Alright. After work I’ll come home and change. How should I dress?”

  “Casual will be fine.” He pulled her in for another quick kiss and he left. Zebir felt like he was floating all the way back to his hover car. If this was what love felt like, he wanted more. Driving home, all he felt was the softness of Mimi’s lips and he could still smell Mimi’s delightful sweet tangy scent.

  He was now staying at his new house since all the rooms except the one bathroom and the kitchen were done. Pulling the crews off other projects to work on his, the fact that the exterior was prefab and only needed to be put together, and the seasoned crew of builders that got bonuses for completing a job early, all combined to speed things along and make what normally took weeks, get done in days.

  Maybe he’d gone overboard with the five bedrooms and six baths, but he wanted a big family and there were already two girls. It was smart to be prepared, wasn’t it? All he had to do for tonight was to relax, have supper, get ready for bed, and sleep of course. The problem was, he couldn’t relax with thoughts of Mimi running through his head. Fate had sent him his perfect match, but it was up to him to seal the deal.

  Plans on how to do that, ran through his head as he tried to sleep. Why did that always happen to him? He laid back and tried to clear his mind one thing at a time. One of the problems was he had felt stressed at work with all the tasks he was forced to put off. Now with Mimi there, he felt the excitement for his job he’d felt when he’d first started it and been too naïve to know how overwhelming it would be. Since talking to Jorgr, he’s learned how good Mimi was and had all the confidence in the world in her ability to get him on track. Eventually, he calmed down and sleep claimed him.

  When he woke, Zebir was excited and ready to get this day started. Plans to recruit more experienced personnel would be worked out today. Mimi would be his mate, but she would also be his helper at work. It was the perfect solution to everything. Zebir headed for work, still wrapped up in a good feeling.

  Once he arrived, Nowell sat in his customary spot, but he was there early. “Why are you here?”

  “Mimi sent me a message. She’s getting an overwhelming response from the emails we sent. It would appear females are tired of Earth.”

  “I’m amazed they haven’t all left. It is dreadful the way their males treat them.”

  “Five accepted without negotiating. Apparently, that is unusual in management level positions.”

  “Georgie has told me negotiation is an art and it’s one Mimi is good at. We will make use of her talents and hope to go get our new employees soon. I was told that you might wish to accompany us in the trip. What does Filbin think of that?”

  Nowell blushed a fiery red. “Not that it would matter, but he said if he is an escort on the trip, he would be happy to have me along.”

  Zebir smiled. It looked like Nowell was maturing into a strong male. Filbin would have his work cut out for him now. The formerly docile mate would not be that way any longer. It was funny that none of the males in his family had ever been docile. Lista had once commented that they all had too much testosterone. She went on to say she loved it, most of the time, but sometimes it was just too much. It must not be possible to drain some off or Lista would surely have done so.

  Electricity ran up his back and sparked when it reached his neck. That could only mean that Mimi had entered the room. There was a chemistry between them that was undeniable. He turned unsurprised to see her staring at his ass. A grin came to his face and she blushed a lovely shade of pink.

  “Good morning, Mimi. I am impressed with the number of responses you and Nowell received.”

  “It helps to know people. I only emailed those I was aware were unhappy, miserable even.”

  “We will be able to go soon. Five accepted immediately. Most of the others sent counter offers. One said she is pregnant and can’t leave.”

  “That shouldn’t be a problem, should it?” Mimi asked looking at Zebir for an answer.

  “No, I don’t see why it would be on our part. Maybe she means she doesn’t want to leave?” He answered.

  “It is possible, although unbelievably rare for a love match among humans.”

  “I will leave you two to handle your emails and set up picking up our new employees. If you need me, I’ll be in my office.” Zebir headed to his desk and dropped into his comfortable desk chair.

  Maybe Mimi could help him prove his worth. Being the youngest of ten brothers was not the easiest position to have in life. His poor head had been slapped across the back, his ass kicked, literally, he’d been tripped and at the bottom of the pile, all his life. On the other hand, no one, not young, old, male, or female had dared to cause him harm. At least no one outside his own family would be brave enough to abuse him. Zebir was not the tallest, the widest, the nicest, or the meanest, but he was the fastest. His hard playing, tough fighting brothers had instilled in him the ability to outrun anyone he knew.

  Razar was the second father, he often doled out discipline without taking transgressions to their father. In his younger days, Razar’s punishments had been much harsher than their father would have given. With time, and now mating, his brother had mellowed. That didn’t mean he didn’t still command respect, it just meant he wasn’t as crazy.

  Travlr was the thoughtful one. It didn’t mean he couldn’t go crazy when his demon was in control. He had always been the mellowest, maybe because he was grateful he’d missed being the next leader because of Razar. Travlr often joked, but he also played jokes on anyone and everyone. He’d finally cut back when they had all gotten together and played a joke on him. Their mother had made him a lovely and delicious birthday cake. It was an Earth custom they had learned of and Travlr had wanted one so much. The nine of them had eaten the cake the night before and made an imposter covered with shaving cream.

  Travlr had eaten the first piece and the look on his face had ben priceless. He couldn’t complain, it would hurt their mom’s feelings. That meant he had to eat it and pretend to like it. The menthol tasted nasty, and while it might make a human sick, it had only a mild effect on a daig. Once their parents left, Travlr had thrown the cake away.

  “That was terrible. You can’t imagine how awful that cake tasted. I wonder where mom got the recipe.” Travlr whined.

  “We ate your cake, it was delicious. That was the cak
e we made for you, happy birthday brother. This time the joke was on you.” They all hooted and laughed while Travlr looked sick. His brother never informed on them, they had rules after all. Their parents would have killed the lot of them. Good times.

  His com buzzed. “Yes, Nowell?”

  “Moon hunters want you.”

  “Put them through.”

  It went to video feed and Chase was there in front of him sitting at his desk calmly. “Good morning, Chase. Do you have news?” Zebir asked.

  “Indeed I do. Hasaf’s new mate is related to the head of the company trying to sabotage you. I’m not sure if she’s in on it or not. She may just be a pawn in their games. We managed to intercept some emails, the lab results Hasaf received originally show massive deposits of Oison mineral in the mountain. My feeling is they have threatened his mate and I also believe they would kill her to make a point if they can reach her. Security isn’t bad, but a determined assassin could make it in if they were willing to do a suicide run.”

  “Could they find someone with appropriate skills willing to do it?” Zebir asked.

  “Let’s just say their prisons are full of females willing to take the chance on the hopes of making it back or leaving their female children with the money to claim a better life.” Cash appraised.

  “Damn.” Zebir said as he ran a hand nervously through his collar length hair. “What do you suggest we do?”

  “Justice has already left for Earth.” Cash informed.

  “What? Why would I care if Justice is on Earth?”

  “Never mind, my mistake. We need to give Hasaf and his family, anyone that is close to him, protection. If an attack is made, we can’t allow it to be successful. At the same time, finding the exact person who set this whole thing up and punishing them, is also important.”

  “Why not go for the leaders?”

  “It may be the leaders, or it may be someone else in management. If you take out the leader but leave the one directly responsible, what have you accomplished?”

  “A little satisfaction, but nothing more.”

  “Precisely. Besides, the leaders are already facing their own problems. I don’t believe this particular threat came from them. If they are aware of it, I’d be surprised.”