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Travlr (The Mating Games series Book 2) Page 5
Travlr (The Mating Games series Book 2) Read online
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According to what she had shared with him she needed about two more hours of sleep than what he did. Getting up, he would check on work before he fixed her breakfast. Once he started cooking, he was sure she would wake so he didn’t want to start too soon. He did fix some crue, which was his planet’s answer to coffee but he suspected Tammie wouldn’t like it any more than Lista had. He got himself a mug once it was brewed and he headed to the tiny room that was his home office. Switching the computer on, he leaned back and took a sip while he waited for it to warm up.
Not everything they cooked had strong flavors, but when they wanted something hot, sour, bitter, or even sweet, it was stronger than he thought the females who came to Earth would be able to stand. He would test his mate’s palate but not until they were bonded. No point in risking her holding a bad taste in her mouth against him. Travlr had no experience with relationships only having slept with females he barely knew a handful of times. If he knew more, maybe he would have won her by now.
The computer was ready so he checked with Dracvar first. The information from the investigation of Tammie’s indenture to the bride program was very interesting. It seemed the whole thing regarding Tammie had been done through a small corporation run by a Gerald Finch. There were two other females he had railroaded into the bride program. When Dracvar checked all these supposed debts, he found out that Tammie’s father had insurance and a pension. Everything had been covered and there had been money left over. So how did this happen?
Dracvar said most fathers wouldn’t discuss finances with their daughters. Apparently they felt shamed if they only had daughters. Travlr would be proud to have any young at all. Human males must be a special kind of bad father. Now that he knew what had happened, they could get justice for these females. It could be a problem if they went through the Earth’s court system. The bad press might cause Earth to withdraw from the mating program. If not the court system, than what could they do?
“Gerald Finch’s father owns a large corporation that his son’s company is affiliated with.” Dracvar explained.
“So contact his dad and see if he wants to keep things quiet? Maybe he would be willing to make things right for the females and punish his son himself.” Travlr knew he’d rather go swimming with a herd of Leviathans than have someone tell his dad that he had done wrong.
“Exactly. Do you want me to take care of things?”
“Yes, Dracvar. See that it’s done and let me know when it’s concluded.”
“I will message you as soon as it’s done. It may take several days.”
“Alright. I know these things do take time.”
Once they hung up, Travlr headed to the kitchen to look around for food. It was a bit early but he couldn’t keep his mind on his work.
Chapter 7
Constructing a Life
Tammie was still a bit tired but an amazing smell was floating into the room. She’d smelled coffee before but had been too tired to react. Coffee and bacon were favorites of hers. Naked as the day she was born, she looked around to see where Travlr had thrown her dress. Her cheeks were hot and red from blushing at the thought of the things they’d done last night. What was more, she didn’t regret it. The man was sex on a stick and no women if she were breathing could deny him.
Finding her dress in the corner where he must have tossed it in his haste to get her naked, she slipped it on. The door was closed but the scent of food still made it into the room. She opened the door and was hit by the sight of a shirtless Travlr with an apron on cooking at the stove. Tammie found a mug on the counter then went to the coffee pot and poured her a cup of coffee. It looked like coffee even if the smell was off. She poured in a good amount of cream because the drink was so dark. She just assumed he made his coffee strong. She took a sip and spewed it back out again.
“What the hell is that shit? It looks like used motor oil and tastes like it, hell I’ve never tasted anything that nasty before.”
“Good morning to you too. You made quite the mess.” Travlr said as he raised an eyebrow to her and looked at the brown liquid on the floor. Feeling shamed, she cleaned it up quickly.
“Why didn’t you warn me?” Tammie rinsed out the cup and got some water so she could clean her mouth out.
Travlr had the nerve to grin at her. “I forgot about it. If you’re good, I’ll order you some coffee. Maybe they even have some in the warehouse.”
“Razar had some for Lista.”
“He does, but as the oldest he also had a house before the rest of us. I’m afraid I’m playing catch up.” Travlr didn’t seem upset and Tammie had to admit she’d overreacted but the stuff tasted nasty.
“I’ll be happy when you get some for us. What are you cooking?” She said as she grabbed a strip of meat that looked just like bacon. After the coffee disaster she was afraid to taste it but hunger won out. “This is great. It’s almost like bacon.” Now she smiled at Travlr. It was funny she was already thinking of him as hers.
“What would you like to do today?” He asked her as he fixed a plate for each of them.
“I’d like to learn more about how you construct your buildings. I wish I could meet with those guys you buy the dempth from.”
“The Formleys? I suppose it could be arranged. There’s a trade building a few miles from here and they keep an office there. The representative is also considered an ambassador but the only relationship we currently have is through trade. Surprisingly, they enjoy a good Oison weed cigar. You’ll want to be careful since we aren’t mated. Their kind are very sexual and they don’t let logistics interfere with attempting relations.”
“You think he’ll hit on me?”
“As in flirt shamelessly? Yes, especially since he rarely sees a female on our planet. Don’t worry, I’ll protect you.” This was said as he chuckled.
Tammie decided he was doing her a favor so she wouldn’t give him the evil eye. “Thank you.” She said stiffly.
“I’ve got some clothes that you might prefer since we are going outside.” He went to fetch the box of stuff and then took it to her.
Tammie was thrilled with the clothing Travlr picked out for her to wear. His judging of her size a bit off with the jean being a little loose and the two shirts being either too loose or too snug. He had also provided her with clean socks and underwear. Her hiking boots were in good condition and she put them on. Once she combed her hair she was good to go.
Travlr gave her a once over and nodded his approval. He led her out the door and down the steps. They left in the same car they’d arrived in. It was hard not to get excited about seeing the more populated area of Oison. When they arrived it was disappointing. There were six buildings in a cluster and they all looked like warehouses. They entered the one they parked by and looking around it was laid out just like a warehouse. Building materials of a few types but many shapes and sizes were stacked everywhere. There was a row of offices along the back wall and one was large and looked more impressive than the others. The desk was huge and the chair looked like a man could sleep in it.
The creature in the chair looked like a squid with legs instead of tentacles. He was green, the green she’d always imagined seaweed would be. His skin looked wet which made her think about the slick description Travlr had given her and she blushed a fiery red. There was no way in hell she would even consider having sex with him even though Travlr had said they were compatible. Not even if she wasn’t so taken with Travlr as she was. Travlr was an outstanding specimen.
Once she was introduced to the Formley who was called Cltuutch, she couldn’t say it right but he only laughed and said to call him Clutch as the Mazlans did, she found he was knowledgeable. Showing her around, he also demonstrated the building materials and she thought she had a good understanding of them. The invisible seams where the pieces joined were amazing and the built in insulating effect incredible. Earth would do well to get their hands on this stuff. Once Clutch was through with his demonstration, she felt confident that she co
uld use it. Clutch had to excuse himself to be immersed in fluid. Apparently his skin dried out even in the moisture rich environment maintained in this building.
“Did you enjoy yourself?” Travlr asked fighting a yawn. He’d been bored silly most of the time.
“Yes, and I think I can help you build the house.” This statement seemed to perk him up.
“I would love the help. Are you sure you want to do this?”
“It’s what I’ve always done for a living.” She said as she followed him out.
“What do you wish to do now?”
“Why don’t we have some of the foundation materials delivered and start on that?” Tammie was truly excited to try out the new materials and see if she could do as well as Clutch had. It was obvious that Travlr didn’t understand or just didn’t believe that she loved to build things. The sense of pride and accomplishment when she finished a project was the greatest high she had ever had before Travlr had shown her a different type of pleasure.
“If you’re sure.” Travlr took out his com device and typed something in it. “I’ll have them send enough for the portion of the house we have to have to live in.” Just like building with blocks, they could build sections at a time and just keep adding.
“I’m ready to get started.” Tammie led the way out of the door and to the car.
“It’ll be there not long after we are.” Travlr helped her onto the car and then got in himself. Heading there, he kept giving her odd looks.
“Okay, what are those looks for?”
“It’s just unbelievable that I prayed for a companion and a helper and now I’ve got you.”
Tammie didn’t correct him because she was no longer sure that she wouldn’t stay. Travlr was working his way into her heart and she wasn’t sure she would want to get through a day without him. She would have to do some serious thinking about what she wanted in life. They got to the site where they would be building the home and she had Travlr gather some things she could use for measuring and other tools. Once the tools were in her hands, she began to discuss Travlr’s vision for the house. It showed how much they had in common.
To start with, they would build a section that had the kitchen, a master suite, and a utility area. The utility area would serve for laundry, storage, and cleaning supplies. Once that section was built they could move in and have all basic needs met. While they spoke, the materials arrived and they were delivered by the Formleys. They looked like Clutch but their coloring was different but they both also had the same round black eyes he did.
“They do everything concerning the dempth?”
“Storage is included until the product is brought onto the building site. At that point you’re on your own.” She watched Travlr pick up the first sheet and lay it where they had discussed. Although the product was lightweight considering its purpose, it was heavier than she could lift. Travlr must be a weightlifter to be able to pick up even the smallest sheet.
Once he got a few sheets in place, she sealed the seams as she had been shown. Perfect! Tammie couldn’t deny she was pleased. “What do you think?”
“It looks amazing.” Travlr said as he examined the foundation.
Having accomplished a great deal for the day, they put up the tools and headed home. The next few days they continued to work on the house getting the walls and the roof up. It was when Tammie got up on the roof to seal the seams that trouble hit. Mazlans didn’t have much safety gear and Tammie should have known better than the get up on a three story roof without taking any precautions. Travlr often acted like he was invincible and it must be contagious because she had never been so careless in her life.
It must have been a wet spot on the roof because she hit a spot of slipperiness that made her struggle to get her balance. Unfortunately she was near the edge and she pitched in that direction as she thought about never getting the chance to tell Travlr that she cared a great deal about him. It would mean something to him, she just knew it would. Just as she started to fall over the edge, someone caught her hand. Travlr?
Looking up at her hand she found it gripped in a dark hand. The complexion reminded her of the deep brown mud around the river where she had played as a child. Her eyes move up the brown arm and to a large creature with small horns and reddish brown eyes. Panic begins to set in until she realizes this beast has just saved her, surely he won’t hurt her? He pulled her in closer and held her in a protective embrace as one hand stroked her back calming her. The creature was so big and intimidating yet he was behaving in a nurturing manner. Tammie didn’t know what to think. She looked around for Travlr and he was nowhere to be seen.
Had he been hurt or killed but this big guy? “Have you seen my friend?” Tammie asked as she looked at the beast with tears in her eyes. It was finally hitting her that she had almost died and that Travlr was gone.
“I’m your friend.” He looked like a demon or devil and his deep voice only confirmed that thought.
“No, I meant Travlr. He’s my friend and he was here with me.”
“I am Travlr.”
Tammie’s eyes widened. Was it possible? Maybe this was a joke or he was a pet of Travlr’s? She honestly didn’t know what to think. “That just doesn’t seem possible. He’s a big guy, but you are huge.” The beast started laughing. Tammie found that even more confusing. “Stop laughing. This isn’t funny.”
The beast struggled to hold his face still and keep his mouth straight. It reminded her of a naughty boy caught being bad by a grown up. “I’ll show you who I am.”
He changed back and just seemed to melt into Travlr. Tammie thought she might pass out but she remembered to be careful because she was still on the roof. “What are you?” She asked as she stared at him freaked out just a little bit.
“We are shifters. My kind have two forms, human and not. Some call us demons, monsters, or devils. Our second form we call daig. It means warrior in an ancient language none speak anymore.”
“Warrior, I can see why they would call you that.” Travlr smiled and he looked happy. “I imagine you were a race of warriors in earlier times.”
“Even in more recent times on the main planet there were more warriors than anything else.”
“Your leader was a hostile guy. I bet many were glad to see him gone.”
“That is true. Many on our planet would have been glad to see him gone as well. He held his power through fear and misery.”
“Do you know you’re naked?”
“Clothing rarely makes it through a fast shift.”
“That was amazing, the way you got to me so fast.”
“I’ll always protect you anyway I can.”
“If we had children, what would they be?”
He smiled and she knew his mind was now on children not her concerns of what they would be. “Daig genes are strong. None have ever in our history had anything but daig.”
“How many other races have your kind mated with?”
“In ages past there were several races nearby we were compatible with but they all became daig. Some do have a few traits from the other parent, but they are daig overall.”
“Are you sure we can have children together?”
“As sure as we can be without a human having conceived a daig. Even if we can’t, I would still choose you.”
Tammie felt overcome with emotion. This beautiful male wanted her above any others whether she could give him offspring or not. She felt warm all over and she realized she felt the same way about him. Maybe she wasn’t ready to admit it yet, but the feelings were there.
“We need to get some safety gear because next time I may hit the ground like a pancake.” Tammie said changing the subject because it was just too emotional and new right now.
“Okay.” That was all he said.
He must know she was buying some time to think and he was letting her. They went back to his apartment for supper and made love before going to sleep wrapped in each other’s arms. She was falling for the male and it was to
o late to stop it if she ever could have. The work on the house continued and she’d been with him a week now. They had just had breakfast and she was enjoying her cup of real Earth coffee. Travlr had gotten some for her the very next day after the crue debacle where she had drank some and gotten upset.
“I need to speak to you before we go to work on the house.” Travlr said before he picked up his coffee drinking a mix of crue and coffee grounds. Yuck!
She was instantly worried about what he wanted. Had he grown tired of waiting for her? Had he found someone else? She knew he got up before she did and he had hours to go out looking for a mate while she slept. Why hadn’t it occurred to her that while she was dragging her feet he might find someone else? Never had she felt so hollow inside. Her heart felt cold and her stomach gripped with fear. It might already be too late to keep him and now that she thought he might be gone, she realized she didn’t want to go on without him.
“Alright.” She tried to seem calm but her voice wavered.
“It’s about the way you ended up in the mating program. I called our office on Earth and they investigated it. They discovered you were cheated. Your father didn’t have any debts and there were three other females cheated with you. The man has been dealt with and he will not do it to anyone else. The funds were put into an account in your name and the other females got their money returned too.”
“Does this mean you’re sending me home?” She asked and her voice wavered again.
“Is that what you want?”
“No, I don’t think I want to leave. How much money did my father leave me?”
“A tidy sum by Earth standards.” He looked surprised her mind was on money.
“Is it enough to start a business here?” Now he seemed to understand, she wanted something to secure her place here.
“You mean a construction business?” He smiled as he saw what she meant.